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The AUTHOR and his BOOKS


Dr. Glen Rodgers is an award-winning professor of chemistry.  He has been writing college-level inorganic chemistry  textbooks for 30 years.  These books have gone through multiple editions and have been translated into Spanish, Korean and Portuguese Brazilian.  They have been praised for a conversational prose style that is enjoyable and easy to understand.  For more than 20 years he and his wife have been scientific/historical travelers.  Together they have led students to see places related to the history of science with an emphasis on the history of the discovery of the atom.  Readers of Dr. Rodgers' latest book, "Traveling with the Atom", will find that there is something special about standing in the actual locale where scientists revealed the atomic nature of matter, where a pioneering atomist did her best work, or where museums display and demonstrate the actual tools by which nature yielded some of her atomic secrets.

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Traveling with the Atom: A Scientific Guide to Europe and Beyond


​Traveling with the Atom is a historical travel guide to the development of one of the most significant and enduring ideas in the history of humankind: the atomic concept.  This history covers the notable places and landmarks commemorating this achievement, visiting homesteads, graveyards, laboratories, apartments, abbeys and castles, through picturesque rural villages and working class municipalities.  From Montreal to Manchester, via some of the most elegant and romantic cities in Europe, Traveling with the Atom guides the reader on a trip through the lives and minds of the great thinkers who collectively unveiled the mystery of the atom.


Fully illustrated and interspersed with intriguing and insightful notes throughout, this book is an ideal companion for the wandering scientist, their students, friends and companions or quintessential fireside reading for lovers of science and travel.

Descriptive Inorganic, Coordination, and Solid-State Chemistry



This proven book introduces the basics of coordination, solid-state, and descriptive main-group chemistry in a uniquely accessible manner, featuring a "less is more" approach. Consistent with the "less is more" philosophy, the book does not review topics covered in general chemistry, but rather moves directly into those central to inorganic chemistry. Written in a conversational prose style that is enjoyable and easy to understand, this book presents not only the basic theories and methods of inorganic chemistry (in three self-standing sections), but also a great deal of the history and applications of the discipline. This edition features new art, more diversified applications, and a new icon system. And to better help readers understand how the seemingly disparate topics of the periodical table connect, the book offers revised coverage of the author's "Network of Interconnected Ideas" on new full color endpapers, as well as on a convenient tear-out card. 


Descriptive Inorganic, Coordination, and Solid-State Chemistry (International Edition)



The international edition was published in 2012 and is available all over the world. This third edition (3e) was preceded by the 1995 Spanish edition (Quimica Inorganica, Introduccion a la Quimica de coordinacion, del estado solido y descriptiva), the 2002 India Edition (Inorganic and Solid-State Chemistry), the 2008 Korean edition, and the 2017 Portuguese edition (Química inorgânica descritiva, de coordenação e do estado sólido )


Química inorgânica descritiva, de coordenação e do estado sólido (Portuguese Brazilian Edition)

ISBN-13- 978-85-221-2560-9

This Portuguese edition was published in Brazil in 2017.  It has a larger format with the full color images on-line rather than as end-papers.

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